This is a series of 3 paintings painted during the Covid-19 Pandemic 2020. Lucas was born at the very beginning of the pandemic before the first lockdown. The first acrylic painting ‘Jubilation!’ is a scene from the intensive care unit where he was treated for a respiratory disorder and jaundice and shows my wife being able to hold him during visiting hours. The second is an oil painting titled ‘Billy Reuben” showing Lucas at home being treated with sunlight to help break down the bilirubin (a factor in jaundice) in his blood. The third is an acrylic painting titled “Shielding” capturing a moment around the second lockdown at a time we had been intensely shielding for many months because of my wife’s official ‘vulnerable’ status due to medications treating her Crohn’s disease. Not forgetting the unknown origins of Lucas’ respiratory issues at birth – we remain shielding.